Monday, 1 August 2011

Road running

It gets a bad press as not being as sexy as the hills, but done properly, it's hard. As much as I like mountains, hills etc. You need to run paths and roads to get a sustained level of pace for a decent amount of time. So I'm on a sabbatical while I build up some road miles. In August heat, this is hard work.


  1. It IS hard work Alan. Good luck with it, and you are of course correct. All the best hillrunners do the odd road race to improve pace. We're back on the weekly speedwork to try and get some back. All good fun :-)

  2. Off to Dorset soon - some new hills to be run!

  3. Whoops now I'm trying to post anonymous comments on my own blog. Don't worry, it's not sad I'm just checking it works, I'll delete it later.

  4. AJ said he would like a couple of pace makers for this training stint. It was me who finished up wanting a pacemaker. Hard session (but enjoyable in a sort of pain way)
